Verdad Private Equity Fund is an investment fund designed to offer liquidity to commercial real estate and business ventures that are in unique situations or are looking for partnership in their business enterprises. Request a private equity review on our online application by clicking the private equity option from the application menu.

Deal Size | $250,000 - $15,000,000

Percentage Ownership | Negotiable - Max 45%

private equity fund

Want to join the Verdad Private Equity Fund? We offer investors a unique opportunity to join a qualified investment fund with a strong track record. Fill out the form below and we will reach out to you with details.

private equity network

Looking for a deal of your own to invest in? Got a deal that you would like to promote for investment? Our Private Equity Network connects investors with capital and equity. Fill out the form below to join and we will send you a link to our secure forum to post your deal or view the deals posted.